Issue Position: Illinois Jobs For Illinois Families

Issue Position

Illinois Jobs for Illinois Families
For Illinois to turn around, every step needs to make progress toward creating Illinois Jobs for Illinois Families. With unemployment in our state being higher than any of our neighboring states and the third highest in the country, we need to look out for the families in our community and in our state that are out of work.

Illinois Jobs for Illinois Families

Make Illinois a more affordable place to do business

Phase I

Stop the progressive income tax which would raise taxes on 85% of Illinois families with a top rate as high as 11%

Allow the current 5% personal income tax rate to go back to 3%

Reform workers' compensation to allow for causation to determine liability

Reinstate fees and license costs back to pre-Blagojevich levels

Give small business community a louder voice in Springfield by creating bipartisan Small Business Caucus of legislators

Phase II

Move state income tax to 0% in order to compete with neighboring states and nationally

Reform worker's compensation until rates are competitive with neighboring states

Support review and reform of all regulatory agencies in Illinois government to streamline compliance and enhance business creation

Clean up the pension and bill payment mess in Springfield

Give employers confidence that they won't get hit with big tax bill to pay for pensions

Move to a defined contribution system from the unaffordable defined benefit approach

Be fair to Illinois service providers and vendors who are waiting months for payment

Perform a forensic audit to clear out waste, fraud, abuse and duplicative state spending

Find ways for state government to find efficiencies like the private sector does

Reduced state expenditures should result in lower state revenue requirements

Restore state funding promised to local school districts to keep our promise to our kids and prevent further increases in property taxes

Increasing education quality provides better opportunities for both employees and employers

Anticipating increased property taxes gives businesses cause to look at other states that are more affordable

Keith is a pro-constitution, fiscal conservative who will offer innovative programs and legislation to improve the county's financial health and the quality of life for residents in the 50th District and all of Illinois.
